Howdy Y'all! (God that isn't even cool when you type it, I have been in hanging about with too many Americans)
So I haven't been able to blog as much as I would like but I expected that from being at camp last year. Even though working at a Summer camp is fun, it actually is quite similar to a full time job. The days are long and jam packed and you kind of lose interest in the world outside your 'camp bubble'. Between looking after the kids, working in your department and chasing the chipmunks out the bunk with a broom, (one got into my cubby and ate all my M&Ms, devastated doesn't cover it) usually the spare hour you have is used for sleeping or talking yourself into showering because at camp not shaving your legs for the whole summer is acceptable (listen, it gets cold at night and you could light a match on them for a camp fire, so really I am just thinking about the kids here). I have also had a bit of writers block over the past few weeks. I am putting this down to the fact that I am currently living up a f**king mountain in upstate New York where you would probably be better off making your own satellite with a potato and tin foil in order to get a signal.
Another thing that I love about camp life apart from my legs always being snug as a bug is that nobody really cares about what you look like and how you dress and if you are wearing the latest fashion trend. Like I have mentioned in previous posts I am pretty baws at being a woman. I have never had my nails done and I don't wear make up unless I am going to the dancing because I am constantly a big sweaty disaster from the gym. Honestly, I would rather spend my dosh on food and lager shandys... I don't even have an issue with pulling wedgies out in public, even front ones. To add to these desirable qualities, I am not really interested in clothes. I am lucky to have a sister and friends who let me pinch their outfits that they wore the weekend before so I have never been one to spend ridiculous amounts of money on fashion and I find shopping absolutely horrific. Instead of looking for clothes I just end up looking for a mannequin that I can lean against and have a chat with. However, in order to overcome my writer's block I decided to try the idea of creating a sports fashion wish list and once I started looking - I couldn't stop. I then compared all the beautiful (albeit ridiculously overpriced) clothing with my own 4 year old sports bras and I had a bit of a cry. I explored the likes of Adidas, Nike and LuLu Lemon and each item cost more than what I make in a week at camp. So yeah, it was a swift kick to the goonies when I discovered that I will never be a fashionista, instead I will just need to wear my holey leggings (which I didn't realized had a hole in the arse cheek until somebody pointed it out to me mid squat) and walmart dollar bras (tits are tiny anyway).
When you throw in the jammie top that I wore to bed the night before, all together this get up makes a bonnie sight in the gym!
Anyway, time to stop feeling sorry for myself and show you all my wish list and what I would have in my shopping basket if I was rich and if I could be arsed actually going shopping....
I am absolutely in love with Adidas's shorts and leggings. The pair I am wearing with the hole in them in the picture are Adidas and I wore them until the death, my plan is to just try and put a patch on them with the words 'sexy bum' printed on it in big sparkly letters. That would be cool, nah?
Ah Nike. What an absolute prick. over priced but just so god damn alluring. I am desperate for a pair of Nike Free 4.0 Flyknits but can't find a spare $140 lying around. Searched all the bus stops and under ever couch and only managed to find a dime and a few sour patch kids.
Oh my god why. Why did somebody tell me about this Canadian brand? Believe it or not those are workout t-shirts. You could go to the gym then walk straight in to the local night club without even going home to change. Talk about killing two birds with one stone. All these tank tops are stunning and think you should all buy me one for my Christmas. I help you get fit, you make me look pretty. Perfect deal.
These are only a few items I saw and I had to narrow it down. As we are in the middle of no where at camp and I can't drive (I can but I tell people that because I am worse than a blind granny with a club foot) my only way of buying any of this is ordering it online. Really hoping that chipmunk comes back and steals my bank card or soon I will actually will have to busk for money in Asia with my ukelele (which I still can't play, it's its a working progress, stop asking me about it).
Not sure what or when my next post will be, it will probably come to me when I am finally shaving my legs however please keep following my instagram (@globesquatterblog) for daily fitness tips and videos!