Yes I am alive, apologise for the absence, I would say it is because I have been EXTREMELY busy, but only if EXTREMELY busy means working, doing a few pull ups followed by squatting on to the couch and not leaving until it is time to move to my bed.
In other words, I have been extremely boring and well lazy.
That is right, you read it here, the one who was once a motivator has become the one who has needed motivated. Oh well, shit happens.
But now I actual have something to write about, well I have a lot to write about but I am going to just start from my most recent endeavour and that is my arrival back in Bonnie Scotland and the first night out we had and of course in true Scottish style, we cannot quite remember it.
Now I am honestly not a big drinker, by which I mean that I am the ultimate one can dan. A cheap date but also forever the chick who is home before midnight because, well, I want some form of food (this weekend it was half a box of family cheerios). Basically I am the worst Scot in history because I absolutely suck at drinking and I don't like whiskey.
After holidaying in Melbourne and London for a week (blog to follow on this trip! Also visit my instagram @globesquatter_fitness for my holiday workouts!) we arrived in Scotland a little over a week ago to surprise my family on my sisters birthday. After resuscitating my mother after she near enough died with shock, (seriously watch the video), we spent the week gearing ourselves up for my sisters 21st the following weekend.
Now I could sit and write about all that happened at the party but I am still trying to block out THAT fall and THAT singing (I found a mic and decided then and there that it was 'my moment', in front of 150 plus people, just reminding everyone I am still as much on an embarrassment as I always have been) but it wasn't so much the actual party I loved but the morning after. Of course in true Morgan style we had an after party (this is when the cheerios happened) and in the morning I was the proud new owner of 7 shoes (none of which were pairs), 4 handbags, two phones, a passport and 3 jackets (I also found a false nail on the bottom of my foot). However this was in exchange of all of my personal belongings, but hey you can't have it all. Now you might think this is nuts and wonder why on earth it put the biggest smile on my face, I mean I had lost my new shoes and phone and sisters lipstick (yeah sorry Gillian failed to mention that until now), I couldn't help but piss myself laughing when all the usual suspects were still kicking about my family home until mid day, laughing, joking, trying to find their own shit as well as their dignity, all having flashbacks of the night before, sharing funny stories and eating tea and toast. It was like the MasterCard advert once said, some things are priceless, like being home, with all your friends, family, loved ones and a few random party crashers you don't actual know. After being away for so long I am extremely happy to be back in this crappy wee toon. Even though it is just a visit before we head off on another adventure, at this moment, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Even if the weather is baws and we have witnessed three domestics already at the Greenock Bus Station.
Home is where the heart is.

Oh and Gillian, in regards to the lipstick, 'for everything else there's MasterCard'.