Saturday, 19 April 2014

Globesquatter, This Is Your Life....

Hello everyone and a big welcome to my first ever blog post! I am so excited to start my journey as a health, fitness and travel blogger and I cannot wait to share my workouts and travels with you all! This is something I have wanted to do for a long time and now that I have an amazing adventure lined up for the next year and a half, I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity.

Firstly I think I should tell you a bit about myself, what I am hoping to achieve by writing this blog and what exactly this mysterious ‘adventure' is. I thought the best way to do this would be to do a question & answer section. I am a bit of rambler so hopefully this will help me keep it short and sweet and you won’t dose off into your cuppa (or night cap if it's been that kind of day- or if you're Scottish).
 So who exactly are you? 
My name is Natalie Morgan and I am a fitness and exercise-aholic. 
There. I said it. Are you happy now!? I am the freak you will see smiling and singing whilst out a run at the crack of dawn or doing jazz hands whilst lunging. You think I am kidding? I am a bit of a nutter but I can't help it. When you put this addiction to the side, I am just your 'normal' 21 year old lassie from the West of Scotland who has just graduated from university (a course that I don’t really know why I chose) and I am at a total loss at what to do with my life. At the moment I am a part-time waitress (which I love, yes really I do) as well as a fitness instructor (which I also love, even more so) and I am a happy, smiley, (yeah it gets annoying and most people want to punch me in the face), energetic girl who loves working out, eating well and encouraging others to do the same. 

 Speaking of eating, I also LOVE food. All food and any food; from carrot sticks to an entire chocolate fudge cake, my whole day pretty much revolves around eating. However, as I have gotten more into fitness I try to make a conscious effort to nourish my body with the food that it really needs. Don't get me wrong, I would easily eat a whole packet of caramel digestives, a pizza and a tub of Ben & Jerrys in one sitting and when I go out I will have a lager shandy (or ten plus 'some' tequila- 'the fear' and I are best pals) but 80% of the time I eat clean. I love cooking and experimenting with different flavours and I honestly choose to eat healthy options because I actually want to (yeah I know weird- but that is just me). 
Other than fitness, food & travelling, my interests include films, music, singing in the shower, dancing in my room, looking at clothes I can never afford, attempting to play the ukulele (I have mastered one cord thus far), going out with friends, making the best hot chocolates on earth (I am a hot chocolate snob), frozen margaritas and mojitos, my bed and elephants. 

Why did you decide to start this blog? 
Last year I spent my summer at a camp called French Woods in America, 3 hours outside of New York City in a small town called 'Hancock'. I was a camp fitness instructor and I worked in 'The Mo' fitness centre and took classes every day; ranging from circuits, bootcamps, abs and running classes and the dreaded Zumba (sorry guys but I absolutely hated teaching Zumba, it was the bane of my life for 12 solid weeks- never again) and I absolutely loved it (apart from the Zumba). It was seriously the most amazing summer and best experience of my life. Travelling afterwards (road trip across America- UNREAL) has definitely given me this 'travel bug' that seems to have affected many. So this year I have decided to return to camp and spend the summer months doing exactly what I love- helping people become fit, healthy and happy- as well as enjoying another incredible few months with my fellow camp chums! However, instead of coming home, I am going to extend my travels even further and take 'a gap yahhh' (a gap year to all us common folk). After camp, I will continue backpacking through Asia and then I am heading to Australia on a years working visa. I am officially leaving in 5 weeks this coming Monday. Shit (just realising this). I decided to start this blog so I could continue my healthy lifestyle and help other camp counselors and backpackers (as well as anyone else at home who wants to get fit). I also thought it would be a good way to document my travels and share my experiences with anyone who is half-arsed about reading what I have to say. Probably just my mum. 

So what exactly will 'Globesquatting Health & Fitness' be about? 
Basically, I will be blogging throughout my time at camp, recording workout videos that other camp counselors (or any wee guy or lassie) can do if they do not have access to a gym. From there I will continue to blog throughout my travels giving other backpackers tips on staying healthy and active on a low budget. I will try to find the best places for cheap clean eats, best bars to drink and be merry as well as the best joints to go to for epic cheat meals that will make you feel so full and incredible that you won't even care about undoing that top button on your shorts- I am talking man v food style, all or nothing! 

I am not a 'fitness model' nor will I be posting 10 pictures of me flexing my 'guns' a day. Like I said, I am a normal girl. I have days (weeks, months even) where I eat rubbish and lose motivation. Nights when I go out and drink far too much and wake up with two different shoes on clasping a note with 'Wee Johnny Pee’s' number on it. I'm not perfect, I don't take life too seriously and if I want that double cheese burger instead of the salad, I will have that double cheeseburger instead of the salad. BUT instead of feeling bad about it, I will get off my arse and do some extra burpees the next day. I try my best to eat well and be active but I have my ‘off days’ as much as the next guy and I will be 100% honest throughout. I won't hold anything back, heck instead of an 'ab slip' I will post my food babies. I am really just trying to do my best to live life to the full and believe that being healthy shouldn't feel like a chore, but should be fun and rewarding. Globesquatting Health & Fitness will be a blog for everyone; a place people can ask questions, contribute their advice, find inspiration to get active, learn something new and have a laugh while doing it. It isn't serious, it is fun and should be taken as just that.

How are you feeling about your travels? 
I cannot believe it is 5 weeks until I leave. Seriously, did a dumbbell fall on my head and I missed the first half of the year!? I will admit it- I am bloody scared. Scared that I will lose my passport, get on the wrong flight, get mugged, eat a bad batch of pad thai or get a Glasgow kiss from a kangaroo. I also have so much I still need to organise and there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day! Also, why do people keep talking about brown snakes? Why are they the first thing people seem to mention when you tell them you are going to Australia? 'Watch you don't get attacked by a brown snake when you’re popping to the shops' or 'be careful of the black widow spiders that might crawl on to the barbie'. But aye, other than all that, I am absolutely BUZZING. 
Will you miss home while you are away? 

Of course. I feel that people are too quick to put down where they live. Yes Scotland is wet, windy and grey- but I love it. I love being Scottish. I love everything about Scotland; the history, the people, the night life, the food, the scenery- everything! I come from a big family (one of five kids) and I will miss my brothers and sisters like crazy. We are all ridiculously close so it will be hard not being able to fight over the last banana or packet of McCoys with them every day. I didn't realise how much my parents did for me either until I was away last summer. I will also miss them every day but I know I can come home whenever if I have to and they are only a phone call away. FaceTime is a God send and it got me through camp last year when I was missing home so I will just be sure to use it again this time round. The people you meet at camp also become like family so I think I will be fine when I am there. I just need to try and find a nice old Thai man and lady who fancy adopting me as their daughter for the 5 weeks I will be in Thailand/Asia and I will be sorted (keeping my eyes peeled on GumTree). 
 So where exactly are you going on your travels? 

I fly out on the 26th May and I am staying in Washington for a few days before heading to camp in Hancock, New York. I will be at Camp from June 1st - September 15th. We then fly in to Bangkok and from there we trek to Chang Mai, Uden Thani, (Thailand)VientianneLuang Prabang (Laos), HanoiHo Chi Minh (Vietnam),Phomn Phenh (Cambodia) and Phuket. I will then be going to Koi Saumi and staying in a SPA RESORT FOR TEN WHOLE DAYS! I reckon we will need this after backpacking and I plan on doing nothing but sunbathing, drinking cocktails, eating good food, working out at the gym WITH WEIGHTS and just chilling. After holidaying and pretending to be a celebrity, we then fly from Bangkok to Melbourne, arriving on 31st October where I start my time in Australia. I plan on staying with my better half and his family until Christmas before meeting up with my friend to start travelling again. Like most people, I don't have a plan for Oz. I am just going to work, save, see what the cheapest flights are and keep doing that until I run out of money. 
Who are you traveling with? 
I am travelling Asia with three other boys. Rustin, Sam and Liam- who, much to their delight, will be making many appearances on here. I will most definitely get 'cooties' but it’s okay, I can deal with that. My best friend Colleen is then flying out to Oz to meet me in the New Year. I know a whole load of people out there at the moment and will be meeting up with others on the way and seeing my Australian relatives too. Hunners of pals to keep me company! 
How much luggage are you taking with you? 
I have left some clothes with a camper I went to visit in New York and she is going to bring those to camp with her but other than that, all I am planning to take with me is a 80L back pack. This is going to be hilarious (I’m a bit of a hoarder) . I will be doing a blog post on exactly what I am taking with me so watch this space!
How much money are you taking with you?
Let’s just say I am on a ridiculously low budget; hence why I am trying to learn to play the ukulele so I can become a street performer. 
What are your plans after your travels? 
Who knows. Hopefully it will come to me in a dream. If not, at least I will have a tan and a hair braid.

1 comment:

  1. I'm working at French Woods Camp this summer too! Your trek around Asia sounds soo fun! Can't wait to read more of your blog! x

    Braids & Blouses
