Thursday, 11 September 2014

'Let's All Workout At a Music Festival!' Said Nobody Ever.

Hey Everyone! 

For many of you, the summer is all about packing your tent, putting on your wellies and heading off to join in with fellow festival goers. Between all the acts you want to see, the alcohol, the dancing and the lack of sleep it is hard to find the time to bash out some burpees and exercise so I thought I would give you an idea on how to overcome this....

Don't do it. 

Really, don't. You will just look like at tit and kill the chilled and relaxed atmosphere by flaring your arms and legs about doing jumping jacks and high knees. 

Instead, work those jaw muscles by eating from all the junk food stalls, keep that liver on its toes by have a bit of a bevy and use the run to the front of the main stage as your cardio. forget about that six pack and instead, go grab a six pack of corona. That is my advice and this weekend I was able to do so whilst working at the Catskill Chill Fest, a music festival based at my camp in upstate New York. 

Check me, pretending to be all cool and shit. 

The Catskill Chill Fest  is basically, a huge hippe festival with, let's say....different music, unique stalls and eh, interesting people who are all very very happy - all the time. 

One of the things I loved about the festival was the food stalls. There were so many to choose from. Juice bars, vegetarian bars, doughnuts, kebab stalls, bakery's, a BBQ place that sold bacon sundaes (so upset I didn't try it). It was so strange seeing camp as something other than what it is. It didn't feel like we were in the same place we have been for 4 months. The whole atmosphere changed and being able to have a beer break or two during your shift was also bloody marvelous. 

For some, the Catskill Chill Fest would be a bit on the strange side but I thought it was pretty great. I was able to experience something I would never think to go to, be surrounded by people who are actually passionate about the music and I also learnt that I should stay away from 'edibles' because they send you a bit doo-la-lay and make you think everyone has a British accent. Life lesson right there. 

Chill Fam! 

If you have taken my advice and decided to just be a drunken, junk eating diddy for the weekend, come the end you will feel -to put it bluntly - like a big sack of jobby, so here is my 'Festival Flush' workout to help you feel human again along with the strict rule of no more Gyros and Bud. This is a health and fitness blog after all....

This workout is also a sample of the Globesquatter 60 Day Shred Program that is currently in progress! Watch this space as hopefully a weeks trial will be in place very soon! 

Until next time! 

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