Saturday, 14 March 2015

I Quit Sugar - Week Two

Hey everyone!

So we are now on week two of our no sugar challenge and it is still going pretty dam well. My dreams of deep dish pizza are still there (I have even been waking up with the junk food sweats, either that or I have a leak in the roof)  and I keep thinking everyone is saying 'Oi,  double cheese burger with a extra large caramel fudge sundae' every time they say my name but other than that I feel like I am going chocolate cupcake.

Shit I mean strong, I feel like I am going strong. 

Luckily for us the month of March is pretty boring. If I was back home it would be a different story as I have a few friends birthdays but here, the only exciting thing we have planned end of this fucking no sugar malarky. 

I think the reason we are doing so well is because we have made a real effort to keep our meals interesting. Each night we have been cooking meals using all the nice things we can have like spices and oils. Doing this means that we haven't really noticed not having the sugary treats. The biggest test for us this week was this weekend. It was the first day that Rustin and I have had off work together in forever and the fact we are as poor as shit means that we have more time to do nothing but think of food. When Rustin is at work, all we do is constantly tag each other in instagram pictures of grub that would probably give you three heart attacks before you finished half the plate, so come Saturday afternoon, a movie day with hunners of munchies, a few beers and Rustin giving me a lap dance sounded absolutely ideal. 

But we couldn't because now we are sugarless boring bastards. 

Okay I am really over exaggerating here (Natalie Morgan exaggerate!? NEVER!) week two has been fine. We are still counting down the days until Easter but I really am not missing much apart from fruit. Oh and pizza. And fro-yo. And wine. And beer. And nutella. And nachos. But other than that I am all good.

The challenge is really helping me understand where I was going wrong in my diet, it is helping me take more notice of what I am eating, what is in food and that I really don't need chocolate in my life as much (sorry Cadburys you must really be suffering in the sales department now). 

There ARE healthy alternatives and the way I am feeling about my health right now is totally worth it. My skin still sucks balls but. It would seem that the three huge green spots on my face are not caused by sugar but probably from the stress of working at the dried fruit factory. Really starting to lose sleep over them dam sultanas. 

Look out for my week three I quit sugar post and in the meantime here is some recipe for SUGAR FREE Zucchini Brownies and Chocolatey Oaty Cookies that we made instead of having junk, beer and doing lap dances. Okay we still did the lap dances.

Sugar Free Paleo Zucchini Brownies


  • 1 cup of nut butter of your choice (we use PB because it is cheap!)
  • 1 and 1/2 cups of grated zucchini
  • 20ml of Liquid Sweetner
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp of baking soda
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp cinnamon 
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 cup of sugar free chocolate (we used Well Naturally sugar free dark chocolate but any sugar free chocolate will do, even sugar free chocolate powder! 


  • Pre-heat oven to 180/350.
  • Pour all ingredients into a large bowl and mix together.
  • Pour mixture into baking tray and place in oven. 
  • Bake for 35-45 mins or until fork come out clean,

Sugar Free Chocolatey Oaty Cookies 


  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup nut butter
  • 1/3 cup sugar free chocolate powder (we used Avalanche Sugar Free Choca Chocolate Drinking Mix)
  • 1 cup oat flour
  • 10ml liquid sweetner 


  • Pre heat oven to 180/350
  • Mix all ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
  • Roll in to small balls and press flat in to a cookie shape on baking tray.
  • Place in oven for 8-10 mins. 

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