Today I feel that I am finally ready to face my demons. Today is the day I hold my hands up and take responsibility for my actions....
Hi everyone my name is Natalie Morgan and I am alcoholic.
Fuck I mean a coffee addict. Not an alcoholic. Well, sometimes, over the Easter and Christmas period it is questionable.
But yes I am a coffee addict. To me, it is like a drug and I am finally ready to let the world know that I am a 5 a day cupper.
Believe it or not I used to hate coffee and think that is tasted of poison. Not that I have ever drank poison but the way it affected Joffery Baratheon in Games of Thrones pretty much sums up my reaction when I first tried it. Mum wasn't impressed when I pretended to be dead for 2 minutes.
However after years of proclaiming my hate for it, I gradually started to come around. This was because at the age of 21, I was fed up of ordering a Fruit Shoot every time me and my pals went out for 'civilised afternoon coffee catch ups', I remember the day so clearly. I bravely ordered my mocha (with extra chocolate, marshmallows & whipped cream obvs) and after one, wary sip, I was hooked. My new addiction for mochas in my eyes was justified. Mochas had everything I needed in life. Caffeine, sugar as well as acting as a hand warmer during Scottish winter, (basically everyday) so what was not to love?
I then spent a summer in America working in a camp with no Starbucks or Costa Coffee to be seen. This is when I tried my first ever black coffee, Coffee with no milk or sugar? Surely this was the drink of the devil?
My first cup was horrific. I swore never again would I ever have a black coffee, Then the long days working with children and teaching classes caught up on me and I caved, At first our relationship was volatile, some days it was strong, some days it was weak (see what I did there?) but I persevered and now I am officially a lover of black coffee, no milk, no sugar just straight out the pot,
I know, I know, I am a fearless bastard.
My coffee journey has been one of extreme changes. From an anti-espresso clueless fool to a caffeine, sugar hungry manic and finally a chick people know not to mess with in the morning (black coffee lovers are the most vicious). Am I ready to cut down or give it up? Hell know. Will I ever be ready? NEVER! And here are my reasons why......
1. It tastes good. Yes it really really does.
2. It will never judge you after the night before, just help you feel better about life.
3. It sort of acts like a hobby when you are bored. For example, when your train isn't for another 15 minutes, you go get coffee or when you realise that you haven't left the couch all day, you can walk to the kettle and make yourself multiple coffees throughout the day to get those steps in.
4. It helps as both a distraction and gesture of good will during awkward moments....'my cat just died' 'awk love, let me make you a wee brew whilst I think of my overly dramatic speech to help cheer you up'
5. It helps you poo. Who doesn't love to poo?
6. It has actually been scientifically proven to be GOOD for you. No shit, Google that.
7. It can be used as a weapon when you are really pissed off....
8. It gives you an excuse to take breaks from life.
9. Black coffee has next to 0 calories. Winner winner chicken dinner.
10. It helps you poo. Sorry but this is in my eyes the best thing about coffee.
Can you guys tell that I have been house bound and not been working for the past few days?

Until next time when I think of another totally random thing to write about. It is currently between my odd socks and my four colour pen.
Ps here is the coffee that I have been drinking.
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