As some of you may know, I have been drinking 'Bootea', a herbal 'teatox' in order to feel my best before I start my travels (I leave in 6 days now, yes I am absolutely terrified). I am half way through my 14 day a 'teatox' so I thought I would write a review on how I feel about this latest trend.

Morning Lads
So what exactly is Bootea?
Bootea UK are a '100% natural health supplements company that has a desire to promote an active, healthy and balanced lifestyle' (this is their actual statement from their official website). Their products consist of natural herbal detox teas as well as shakes that are said to promote healthy digestion, cleansing and weight loss. Their 'teatox' tea has been promised to;
• Increase your metabolism
• Burn calories and convert food to energy
• Burn fat & counteract fat storage
• Regulate blood sugar levels
• Assist in the digestion of food
• Suppress appetite
• Improve skin health
• Improve quality of sleep
• Cleanse & detoxify
• Allow you to reach your health/weightloss goals
Big claims from just drinking two cups of Bootea a day right? So I thought I would put it to the test.
How To Take Bootea
All the 'teatox' requires is for you to drink one/two teas a day. You drink their 'morning cleanse tea' evey morning for the whole two weeks and then you drink their 'night time colon cleanser tea' every second night. And thats it. Seriously. No shots of wheatgrass whilst meditating on a mountain and no celery in sight (YES!), just two teas which actually both taste, in my opinion, bloody lovely.
So what is actually in the tea I hear you ask? Well the claim is true. They are 100% natural and a full list of the ingredients is given not only on the actual product, but on the website.
Daytime tea - Chinese Oolong tea, Maté leaves, Ginger root, Fennel seeds, Lemongrass, Dandelion leaf, Ginseng root, Gotu Kola leaves, Nettle leaves.
Bedtime cleanse tea - Senna leaves, Peppermint leaves, Fenugreek seeds, Liquorice root, Burdock root, Hawthorn leaves, Valerian root, Psyllium seeds.
The website also offers a free eating plan (which is basically just healthy eating). The only 2 things you are advised not to consume during the program are meat as it is hard to digest (you can still have fish) and alcohol. You are also advised to get off your arse and excersise for 30 minutes to an hour everyday to see the true benefits.
My Bootea Experince So Far
Now I just want to get one thing straight before I begin. I did not undertake this 'teatox' for weight loss. I don't need to lose weight but I felt bloated and lethargic and wanted something that would help me feel healthier and lighter before I started my travels. Usually I would just eat right and exercise more and think that things like this are a load of ham hock but I researched this product greatly and from what I could see it wasnt just another gimmick. I liked that the ingredients were 100% natural and also that it didn't include any 'meal replacement' products. Even though I enjoyed my juicing experience, 3 days was enough for me and the idea of drinking something instead of actual food for a long period of time makes me break out in a cold sweat, sack that.
As for the eating plan I am not following it exactly. I know I eat healthy anyway so I just stuck to my normal diet but I have cut out meat and alcohol. Which has been fine, apart from every time I talk to someone I have illusionations that their head is in fact a double cheese burger and I have to refrain from eating them. The guy I bit on the cheek on the bus was not impressed.
I am now 7 days into my 'teatox' and I am feeling pretty darn good. I feel less bloated, more energised and (okay this is where it gets rotten) I definitely feel lighter due to my regular trips to the bathroom- the 'colon cleanse' tea really does what it says on the tin. Overall, so far, so good. I am enjoying the teas and I am noticing a difference. I wasn't sure whether to put these pictures up, but to hell with it. Here is my progress so far
Yeah so the first picture isn't exactly bad but I felt so bloated after, to put it bluntly, being a big greedy bugger. I haven't lost weight and like I said that wasn't my aim but it definitely has helped me digest my food better. Gross but true fact.
Overall Verdict
Okay so this is where I get critical. Yes from the 'evidence' the teas are definitely cleansing me but I do think a lot of it is mental. The teas are making me want to eat better and workout and jump in to bed earlier after my night time cuppa. I would recommend this product but only if you are willing to put in the extra effort. The whole idea of Bootea is to encourage a healthy lifestyle. According to them, you will end up exactly where you started if only if you go back to the ways that got you in to the food baby state in the first place (and lets face it, we all know at some point we will). We can't deny ourselfs that pizza crunch supper forever. So I would take this product light heartedly. Don't rely on it to 'change your life' but more as a way to kick start your new healthy lifestyle or use it to help gain that extra confidence boost before your beach getaway.
Overall, I think it is a great product and would recommend it to anyone that felt they needed a bit of a 'clear out'. The only side affects I have had are a wee bit of stomach cramps now and again but that has been it. The one tip I can give you is to make sure you are no more than a few minutes walk from the nearest toilet.
You can find all their products on their website;
Ps - ladies it also can affect your contraceptive pill so have a read of all the information before you decide to buy the product!
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