Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Hungry and Hungover

So I woke up on Sunday morning and found myself in my bed with only my big fury dressing gown on draped in my zebra print duvet (mum bought me it obviously not realising it was tacky as tits) fake eyelashes stuck together and cuddling my Simba toy for dear life. I glanced up to my bed side table and the evidence was clear. An empty box of Branflakes. Yeah, Natalie was drunk last night and when Natalie is drunk she will eat anything and everything. Saturday night was no exception. After drinking all day as you do on a 'pub crawl' (I made it to three pubs then called it a night after I face planted the ground outside Cleats, not cool) it is just natural to get a bit peckish? Am I right? Or is it only an excuse?

Well I don't know about most of you but when I am hungover I totally kick the arse out of the typical 'bad food curer'. After attempting to fry eggs and beans on a wok when I got home (yes I did this and I promise it was only an experiement to see if it would benefit the world of egg making, yeah don't do it) and making my way through a full box of Branflakes and two packets of monster munch (well I think it was two, that was the number of empty packets I found) I still did not think twice about purchasing and consuming as much shit food as humanly possible the next day. Here was the result:

I didn't have this all too myself. My boyfriend and sisters helped but we also had a fry up for breakfast and got an Indian take away for dinner and didn't leave a single crumb.

I try and convince myself that this is okay. That eating this amount of food 'doesn't count when you are rough' however,  I realised yesterday that I was maybe going too far when I found myself driving to 'Kilted Kebabs' in my tartan onsie for haggis pakora because the Inidan had ran out. Sorry but it was a crucial part in the hungover feast I had been planning since Wednesday so I had no option (yet another excuse I used to make myself feel better)

Surely my burd and myself can't be the only ones guilty of this? Maybe most not to this extent but we are all no strangers to having a 'Fat Sunday' now and again. After waking up the day after my man v food feast and feeling like the fat German kid out of Charlie and The Chocolate factory (I think the sugar actually buggered up my speech so I even sounded like him) I saw that I had two options. Sit and feel shit about it whilst contemplating on having just one more cookie or get up, drink a tonne of green tea, go a run and then contemplate eating just one more cookie. The decision? I went for the latter. Yes I ate enough food for my entire life and probably the lives of nine others (or maybe I was that drunk I thought I was a cat and actually had nine lives?) but there isn't any point moaning about it. I mean If you are going to cheat you may as well make it epic. Even The Rock says so and we all know he is basically God. 

Booze Buster Workout

As I said instead of sitting around feeling like a big fat disaster I decided to do a intense workout that would help sweat out all the alcohol and junk out of me. I woke up and drank 4 cups of green tea before eating a healthy clean breakfast and then stuck my runners on, opened the front door and shouted 'ARE YOU READY FOR THIS!' before going in to a perfectly choreographed hip hop dance routine. Okay not really but in my mind I did and it was marvelous.

Here it is, I dare you all to try it at least once through (2-3 times is even better) and let me know how you get on!

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