Okay, so, something happened to me the other day, a sort of, incident shall we say. One that I have decided to share with you all. The reason being that this incident got me thinking about embarrassing moments when working out, either at home, outside or in the gym and
Let's be honest, we all have had an embarrassing moment or two when trying out a new exercise or starting a new gym or class. Like take that time you fell off the treadmill whilst reading your Facebook newsfeed; or the time you tried that yoga move and got your leg stuck behind your head; or the time when you thought you were Rocky but the punch bag gave you a black eye; or the time you tried to get a lucuzade sport out the vendies but pressed the water button by mistake and cried a bit. Everyone has been there. Even elite athletes. Remember when Paula Radcliff shat herself when running? It was all over the news for weeks. Poor lass. Although, I have heard that losing control of your bladder is a common side affect when pushing yourself to your limits. Hence why I am happy, in fact not happy but proud to tell you all that when running a 4km charity race at camp I Natalie Morgan pissed my pants.
Yeah that's right, at 22 years old I physically wet my knickers. Don't believe me? Well here is a lovely picture of the exact moment when the incident too place....
And there is also a professional picture that will be uploaded on to the camp website along with a video of the event its self where you will see me crossing the finish line yelling 'SHIT I HAVE ACTUALLY PISSED MASEL!'.
So yeah, there you have it. My embarrassing moment. However, I did come first out of all the girls on camp and bet my time from last year and that was even with a panic stop where I didn't know whether to keep running or jump and hide in the bushes. So not all was bad? And it's a story I can write in to a magazine and maybe get a extra $20 for.
You are all probably wondering why the hell I have decided to share this with the world, well 1. I would rather people knew I pissed myself than think I have the most sweaty vagina in the world and 2. it is a good example of how no matter what happens, you should keep going and keep pushing. If you have a bad workout, face plant it after tripping over a dumbbell or use the machine disinfecting spray as a mist cooler on your face - don't let that discourage you. The only thing I am annoyed at is that I stopped to examine the damage when I should of just kept running like the clappers and knocked a few more seconds off my time. Next time come piss or shit I will just keep going.
So guys whenever you think you have humiliated yourself beyond repair, just remember, Natalie Morgan pissed herself whilst running a Camp Fun Run.
Oh Ps: Shout out to my boo who offered great support when I started slowing down....
'who cares if you have pissed yourself, I couldn't care of you pooed yourself just keep running!!!'
What a keeper eh?
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