Thursday, 28 August 2014

The Great Escape....

So I am still at camp. 13 weeks in and I am still here. Still doing the same thing day in, day out. Still in the same wooden bunk with 'I had lice in this bed 2004' written on the bed post. Still looking at the same scenery. Still eating the same oatmeal and raisin cookies and still endlessly brushing knots out of campers hair....

Please, S.O.S!? Anybody?

Even though I have had a great summer camp experience, I have now reached the point I am ready to leave and experience new surroundings. In fact, I have been ready for a month or so now. It isn't that I I haven't enjoyed the experience. I have, I mean I am in America for god sake and I have met some amazing people and created new friendships but it has come to a point where I feel like I am the new star of the Truman Show. Seriously, trying to get away from this place when it is in the middle of no where and you have no car and you only get 8 days off the whole summer is next to impossible. It is as if there is a glass bubble around the whole of camp and when you reach the edge, a squad of children armed with chocolate covered hands, pillow pets and hair chalk (why the obsession?) attack you. 

You may think working at a summer camp is all fun and games but it is hard. You are essentially a parent for 4 months straight, (sorry mum and dad for being wee dickhead I now understand) and work ridiculously long hours. It is rewarding but challenging and after it all, I am honestly gubbed. I am physically exhausted and the overly enthusiastic camp persona I have to portray day in and day out is wearing thin and the only thing that is going to perk it up is sun, a beach, a margarita and a game of frisby, because who doesn't love frisby?  

I have two more weeks left. The kids leave on Sunday and I am staying on to work at a music festival that is held at the camp which will be great but I honestly feel that if I have to take a piss whilst a mouse runs around my feet again I will lose my shit. 

I have loved my summer. I have loved the people. I love camp and I have loved all the kids and had some great laughs and made incredible memories that I wouldn't change and I would encourage everyone and anyone to do it but for me, it is time to go. 

Only 15 days until I am back in civilisation (planning a New Jersey trip for my last few days in America!)
Only 20 days until I get on that plane to Asia. 
Only 21 days before I am sleeping in a king sized bed in a five star hotel in Bangkok (yeah we went all out on the first night, well deserved after camp).

And I will tell you this for nothing, it better come bloody quick before I start answering myself back and rocking bck and forth. 

On the bright side I taught my first ever yoga class with adults yesterday, a nice change from a load of wains. 

You know the overly enthusiastic persona I mentioned, yeah thats it captured in a picture.

And here is a sneeky workout for you all. Now you have seen it you have to do it. Or a goblin will crawl in your window at night at eat you. Do the workout and then send this to ten friends or your granny and her cat will get eaten to. 

Okay I am only joking but I hope you feel guilty now if you don't give it a go! 

Untill next time! (Unless I get taken away by the guys in the white coats that is). 

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